How to Clean a Canister Vacuum – The Correct Way!

Last updated on June 5th, 2022

Vacuums are not cheap machines; they are quite a costly household cleaning appliances. Like all the tools that need cleaning and maintenance, vacuums are no different. If you would not be able to keep it clean, then you would encounter reduced efficiency.

In order to keep this heavy investment safe, you need to follow some tips for cleaning a canister vacuum. These tips would take only a few minutes before and after vacuuming in order to keep your appliance and floor safe and clean.


Cleaning Before Starting to Vacuum

  • how to clean a canister vacuumInspect Brushes: Usually, the rolling brushes of your vacuum get substances like hair, thread, and other similar things tangled. These brushes where are responsible for lifting debris and dirt out of your carpets/rugs and if they are not able to span properly because of these tangled items, they won’t perform their lifting job well. Make sure that these brushes are clean and you can tease these items by loosening them or use scissors (small one) to get rid of them.
  • Check Belts: With extensive use over time, the belt of the vacuums may wear out and these stretched-out belts hinder the proper working of your vacuum. Inspect the belt of your vacuum regularly and arrange for a replacement if needed.
  • Check hoses: Carry out an extensive check for any holes and spots that you may find. Also, make sure that the hose is clean from dirt and debris. Checking the hose before each use for being cleaned would give you effective cleaning and would prevent any debris or other item from damaging the motor.
  • Wheels: Your vacuums truly deal with messy substances like dirt, dust, debris, and more. These particles usually get coated on the wheels of your canister. So before vacuuming you must get rid of these in order to avoid placing them back on your floor and carpets. Just take a microfiber damp cloth and wipe the tires quickly.

Cleaning After Using Vacuum

There exist bagged and bagless models of a canister vacuum. In order to develop a good cleaning habit and to keep your canister clean; empty bags (for bagged) and containers (for bagless) of canisters outside.

Most of the new models of vacuums are appointed with switches that enable you to clean the bags/bins directly to the trash. Hold your breath while emptying to prevent inhaling any allergens or dust.

In case you have lift-off canisters, the bin bag will be tightly held across the rim of the machine and you would need to invert it carefully to empty it. It would take few seconds for the dirt to drift out of the bag so leave the bag in the same position for all the dirt to getaway.

We recommend you empty the bin as it reaches half full. Do not wait for it to be completely filled as vacuuming performance may drop away with bags bursting with debris and dirt. For removal of bags for disposal of dirt, follow instructions mentioned in your product manual. In case the bag is not sealed, hold it tight from the top to avoid any dust getting away on the floor again.

Vacuums with dust bins must be emptied after each use in order to get the same efficiency and power of suction with which you began vacuuming at first. Once you are done with emptying bins/bags, wipe down your canister.

Use a clean dust-free soft cloth for cleaning after each use as your appliance would surprisingly be a little dusty and dirty while collecting all such particles that it encounters on your floor.

Periodic Cleaning

  • Keep your canister clean by washing all the components that are washable, check your instruction manual and seek guidance.
  • Wash attachments (dust brush, crevice, and upholstery tools) once a month in order to avoid the buildup of dirt.
  • All the hoses that are made up of plastic can be rinsed in the sink and you can hang them to dry.
  • You must also occasionally wash dust containers and their plastic gaskets.
  • Check with the maintenance schedule of your canister for regular replacement of internal dust filters and HEPA Media filters. Dirty filters can eventually overheat vacuum, affect its efficiency, and may cause damage to the vacuum motor. Carefully check the instructions given on the manual or check with your manufacturer for replacement.
  • Clean/wash filters according to specific instructions given for your model. Make sure that the filters are completely dry before placing them on your canister.
  • A brush bar usually captures threads and hair found on your floor. Clean your brush bar at intervals by carefully snipping across and pulling these substances out gently. You may use small scissors.
  • Use another vacuum tool if required for cleaning a brush attachment that is dirty. Remove the brush attachment and clip it on the crevice. Go along the bristles of brush for suction of dirt and dust.
  • Avoid vacuuming when there are coins, sharp items, a large stock of debris, toys, and other items are lying on their floor. Capturing these would harm the internal mechanism of your canister. It may bend the blades and may damage the motor.

Conclusion: Regular Maintenance Can Prolong the Vacuum Life!

Whether you have an expensive thousand-dollar vacuum or a relatively less expensive canister vacuum, using these tips for cleaning would give your vacuum a longer healthy life span and would keep you worry-free.

The tips here mentioned can be easily followed and would consume only a small amount of your time while offering you the comfort of a lifetime. If you follow the steps closely and perform the vacuum cleaning regularly, we can assure you that your vacuum will last a longer life.

If you really can’t do the maintenance yourself, you can ask a professional vacuum technician to do it for you!

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